
Good shock vs bad shock
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

Run Longer, Run Stronger with Fleetline HD Shocks
Director, Editor, Production, Motion Graphics, Sound, Voiceover

Are your shocks or struts bad?
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

Gabriel HD Shocks - new features
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

Test your shocks or struts for free with your phone
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

NEW! RAM ProMaster® suspension replacement by Gabriel®
Director, Editor, Production, Motion Graphics, Sound, Voiceover

Hefty® stacking storage solution
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

B+IN Promo
Director, Editor, Production, Motion Graphics, Sound

B+IN™ Cube Assembly
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

Waterfall Dish Drainer™
Director, Editor, Production, Sound

Home Logic® 3 Drawer Cart Assembly
Director, Editor, Production, Sound