
Possible changes for Best Buy and CompUSA

There are some big changes that are rumored to be happening at both Best Buy and CompUSA. We all remember CompUSA right? It was the computer superstore for many years that refused to have competitive pricing and eventually tanked. Well, they are looking to open 30 new retail stores with what they call "Retail 2.0". I don't know if this is going to work but I hope it does! I used to love going to CompUSA to look at variety of goodies they had. But in the end, stores like Best Buy beat them out. That leads me to my next topic...Best Buy.

It seems that not even Best Buy is recession proof. They are rumored to be going through a major employee reorganization and may ask people to take pay cuts or even "streamline" its operations. Lets just hope the tech industry doesn't suffer too much longer.