EA Games has recently released an iPad version of their popular Dead Space series on the heels of the Dead Space 2 launch for console systems. Make no mistake, the iPad version is no slouch as a mobile iOS game. From graphics to gameplay, Dead Space HD delivers a creepy and exciting experience that is perfect for the iPad.
The story centers around an engineer that is stuck on a mining ship. An insane alien outbreak occurs spawning numerous creatures called necromorphs. Yes they are a creepy hybrid of aliens and zombies. Your mission is to go through the ship eliminating these creatures as they leap out at you. While the story is rather bland, it is tangled with bizarre waking nightmares and visions. However this story sets the basis for some exciting gameplay.
Dead Space plays with the utmost fluidity on the iPad. There are no hiccups in the always smooth frame rate and the controls are the most intuitive I have encountered in a shooter on iOS. You use your left thumb as a virtual stick for walking and your right thumb as your navigational control for the unique set of weapons in your arsenal. Sounds normal so far, but where things get fun is when all you have to do is tap to bring up your weapon and then tap again to fire. After you start to run quickly your weapon disarms. This is both the best and worse part of controlling the game. It's great because it's very comfortable to control, but difficult with those zombie things.....necromorphs jump out at you quickly, and believe me they JUMP out. This game startled me a number of times as creatures you think are dead spring up to attack you from behind just when you think you are safe. A true survival horror game. Weapons and gear are upgradeable throughout the game adding some further depth and motivation to pick up all the dropped loot along the way.

Graphically, Dead Space HD is stunning. As I mentioned before the frame rate is solid and never drops even during the most intense attacks. The quality of the graphics are right up there with Rage HD and Infinity Blade, both amazing examples of what can be done graphically with an iPad. The textures are detailed only until you are right on on top of them when they show only minor blurring. Blood and explosions are realistic and even disturbing at times, which plays into the theme of the game. Enemies are very detailed the point where you will be scared not by the fact that is just lurched at you, but by its purely creepy and disturbing form.
Overall Dead Space HD is a welcome addition to a slow but steady growth in truly quality "console like" games on the iOS devices. With stunning graphics and smooth gameplay, the only major complaint i have is that it is on the short side as far as games are considered. I completed the game in just a few hours. Otherwise, head over to the app store and pick it up, you wont regret it.